Vexcel Imaging, a provider of aerial camera systems, mobile mapping platforms and fully integrated photogrammetry software, announced the launch of Europe’s highest quality and most up-to-date aerial image library. Starting in Germany, the cloud-based image library, now available via subscription service, enables companies, public safety organizations and government agencies to save a significant amount of time and money by making it fast and simple to acquire up-to-date, concise, high-definition imagery and leverage it organization-wide into critical location intelligence. Starting with orthorectified imagery at 20 cm resolution, the subscription service also includes near-infrared imagery and derivative data products such as digital terrain models, making it easy for organizations to integrate geospatial location information into their tools and workflows. Vexcel Imaging is in the process of capturing aerial imagery of Germany at 20 cm with its UltraCam Condor Mark 1 Airborne System. In early 2020, the program will expand its country-wide contiguous data capture across other European countries.