Teledyne CARIS™ is pleased to announce that Codevintec has been selected as a CARIS™ software distributor for Italy, the Adriatic countries, Greece, and Lebanon. As a valuable contribution to Teledyne CARIS’ list of distributors, Codevintec has been a professional distributor in the geomatics industry for many years. Survey companies, scientific research organizations and mapping agencies in this region can now contact Codevintec for further information about the Ping-to-Chart™ hydrographic software solutions, which include support for Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) operations, big data management, and autonomous operational solutions. Patricia Gaspar, Account Manager at Teledyne CARIS commented, “We are happy to have a close and experienced partner in Italy to support us in further expanding the business and serving our Teledyne CARIS customers in this region.”