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SuperSurv Assists the Bird Survey in France

By [email protected] - 20th May 2016 - 13:16

SuperSurv from Supergeo Technologies Inc. was selected by a bird protection association in France to assist their bird survey. As one of the leading associations for nature protection, Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) has numerous volunteers and staff across all of France. Since its establishment in 1912, LPO has been dedicated to bird conservation for more than a century. Now, LPO’s mission includes species protection, habitat conservation, and environmental education. Because of various field tasks, LPO has a strong demand for spatial data collection.

Supported two mainstream smart device platforms: iOS and Android OS, SuperSurv is a multifunctional GIS app designed by Supergeo team. The Android version of SuperSurv, selected by LPO helps users to connect various GIS services, like WMS and WMTS. Ecological researchers can hence import diverse resources and then overlay the collected data to gain more spatial information during the surveying.

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