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Solar Orbiter on track to launch before next total solar eclipse

By - 11th September 2017 - 09:18

The recent Solar Eclipse across the United States of America provided a spectacular view of the mysterious Solar Corona, the one million degree “halo” around the sun. The European Space Agency spacecraft Solar Orbiter is in the final stages of spacecraft integration at the Airbus spacecraft assembly hall in Stevenage, UK. Solar Orbiter will be launched in February 2019 into a close orbit around the Sun and will allow scientists to study the solar corona in much more detail, for much longer periods, and at a much closer distance that can ever be reached here on the ground, or for that matter, by any spacecraft circling the Earth.

By the time of the next global total eclipse, on 2nd July 2019, Solar Orbiter will have begun its three and a half year journey to the inner solar system to get close to our Sun.