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Septentrio announces open source software and hardware for autonomous applications with GNSS

By GeoConnexion - 13th January 2021 - 15:18

Septentrio, a provider of high-precision GNSS positioning solutions, announces two important open source resources for its GPS/GNSS module receivers. The first, ROSaic, is a ROS (Robot Operating System) driver for the mosaic-X5 module as well as other Septentrio GNSS receivers. The second project, mosaicHAT, is an open source hardware reference design combining mosaic-X5 with a Raspberry Pi single-board computer. Both projects facilitate integration of centimetre-level reliable positioning into robotic and other machine automation applications. ROSaic driver operates on ROS, a widely used programming environment within the industry as well as academics, commonly used for integrating robot technology and developing advanced robotics and autonomous systems. ROS allows data from numerous sensors to be combined allowing high levels of autonomy.

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