There is an increasing demand for improved, high-quality stereo visualization solutions in the growing professional 3D / VR market. The 3D PluraView from Schneider Digital is the passive 3D-stereo system with the highest user satisfaction and acceptance of all 3D display systems currently on the market. Launched in 2016, the PluraView monitors have quickly established themselves as the 3D stereo reference with up to 4K resolution, 10-bit color and screen diagonals up to 28”. The PluraView 3D-stereo monitor is ideal for all stereo software applications, covering a wide range of industries: GIS, mapping, photogrammetry, oil & gas prospecting, molecular research and design, CGI / 3D video editing, CAD & mechanical engineering, crystallography / biochemistry, laser scanning and industrial measuring, simulation & VR training, 3D city model visualization, archaeology, but also Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for surgical planning and medical training. www.3d-pluraview.com