Block model scheduling is now a part of MineSight Schedule Optimer, (MSSO) following the release of MSSO Version 9.3 by Hexagon Mining. MSSO is the go-to product for short, medium, and long-term planning. It determines the most productive cut mining sequence to achieve the highest project profitability, and then generates practical schedules. Block model scheduling allows one to import a range of blocks from a block model, and aggregate the blocks into full-bench scheduling units or smaller scheduling units by defining the number of blocks in each direction. Planners can generate schedules by importing blocks from the model and obtain a more accurate cycle time from a block to each destination. Version 9.3 includes a standalone package option, which includes a MineSight Project Viewer for you to visualize the geometries and scheduling results, and select or digitize a ramp, lead line, road, and point, etc.
Schedule Optimizer now features Block Model Scheduling
By [email protected] - 22nd January 2016 - 12:53