L3Harris Technologies launched the latest in a demonstration series of end-to-end small satellites as part of a U.S. Air Force constellation the company is responsible for developing. As the prime contractor for the firm fixed-price development space mission, L3Harris is designing, developing, building, testing and deploying the satellites. The company will task, command and control the satellite system, as well as perform on-board processing of data to deliver imagery products directly to war fighters on tactical timelines. The Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles Secondary Payload Adapter, or ESPA-class, satellite system will use L3Harris’ fully reprogrammable payload platform — allowing operators to reconfigure smallsat payloads on orbit to changing missions. The company’s High Compaction Ratio unfurlable X-band reflector is also on board to enable high-speed data communication. www.l3harris.com
Satellite For Us Air Force Successfully Launches As Part Of L3harris’ Responsive Constellation Contract
By GeoConnexion - 26th August 2020 - 10:40