Trimble announced that ProStar has joined Trimble’s GIS Business Partner Program. As part of the program, ProStar has implemented the Trimble Precision SDK (Software Developer Kit) to integrate high-accuracy positioning capability in its PointMan mobile application running on smartphones and tablets using Trimble GNSS receivers. ProStar provides field crews with an easy-to-use mobile data collection solution designed to capture, record and provide real-time visualization of the precise locations of subsurface infrastructure, while utilizing a centralized database to permanently and securely store and share utility location records in the cloud. By adding the Trimble R Series and Trimble Catalyst receivers to the ProStar workflow, users can confidently access high-quality data and identify potential conflicts to avoid accidents, disruption of services and costly delays to infrastructure projects impacted by not knowing the precise locations of buried utilities.
Prostar joins Trimble’s GIS Business Partner Program
By GeoConnexion - 26th August 2020 - 10:00