Presagis, a global provider of 3D advanced modelling and simulation software, is releasing the 3D Environments Add-In application for Esri’s ArcGIS Pro. 3D Environments allows ArcGIS users to rapidly transform 3D Tiles Next data formats, such as One World Terrain, into ArcGIS Pro projects to create 3D scenes from 2D vector data and 3D models. Available on the Esri ArcGIS Marketplace, the 3D Environments Add-In leverages Presagis’ building templates and texture libraries that analysts can use to create enhanced 3D visualizations of GIS environments, thus helping increase collaboration across the enterprise. The Presagis 3D Environments Add-In contains tools to create, transform, and extract a wide variety of 3D formats to provide seamless interoperability between ArcGIS Pro and modelling & simulation applications.
Presagis extends 3D tiles next workflow into Esri ArcGIS Pro
By GeoConnexion - 2nd November 2022 - 16:04