During the November meeting of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) TechnicalCommittee in Toulouse, France, Linda van den Brink received the OGC’s prestigious Kenneth D. Gardels Award. The Gardels Award is presented each year to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to advancing OGC’s vision of using location to connect people, communities, technology, and decision making for the greater good.
Linda van den Brink was awarded because of her effective coordination between the OGC and other standards and industry bodies. Linda has co-chaired the GeoSemantics Domain Working Group and has also been very active in the GML and CityGML Standards Working Groups, often identifying issues based on experience gained through standards implementations. Linda has been the primary voice in highlighting the need to better align common elements in the CityGML, InfraGML, and IndoorGML standards.