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ip.access collaborates with Blue Arcus Technologies Inc.

By [email protected] - 21st August 2018 - 12:32

ip.access has announced a collaboration with Blue Arcus Technologies Inc., a company dedicated in providing the best network solution and telecom engineering, to improve satellite backhaul for rural deployments. A trial in Jakarta, Indonesia using 3G technology has demonstrated significant cost savings of an estimated $1,000 per site per month. Due to the high cost of satellite backhaul and its performance limitations, subscribers in remote and rural portions of the world are typically limited to using voice centric technology such as GSM. Working together, ip.access and Blue Arcus Technologies Inc. deployed a 3G solution offering voice and data services in one single offering to rural communities in Indonesia. This optimized backhaul solution requires just 1 Mbps bandwidth per RAN, while other non-optimised satellite solutions require between 3 and 8 Mbps per RAN. As a result, the combination of Blue Arcus and ip.access’ technology achieved significant cost savings of over $1,000 per site per month compared to traditional satellite deployments.