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Free Australia Postcode Maps by Australian City/State

By [email protected] - 21st September 2016 - 15:10

Caliper is excited to announce the release of 17 free postcode maps in PDF format. Population density, income, and postal boundaries are included for several states and cities in Australia. Postcodes are frequently used to create sales territories, manage franchises, visualize revenue, and explore target markets and demographics. They are a convenient and familiar geographic unit that easily link geography to information about individuals and businesses. All postcodes in Australia have four digits and are placed at the end of Australian addresses. The postcode maps were created with Maptitude mapping software, and are available for immediate use. For those that require postcode mapping beyond what a PDF can offer, Maptitude mapping software comes with over 700 fields of Census data for postal areas, suburbs, statistical areas, and urban areas. Maptitude also comes with a full suite of sophisticated yet intuitive mapping analysis tools.