ZephIR Lidar has installed a turbine-mounted ZephIR DM wind lidar on the 270 MW Lincs Offshore Wind Farm. Located five miles off the East coast, Lincs Wind Farm is a joint venture between Centrica Energy, Siemens Project Ventures and DONG Energy. It is anticipated that the installation of the lidar unit will help to identify opportunities where a possible improvement to production from the installed 75 Siemens 3.6 MW wind turbine generators can be achieved. The circular scan from ZephIR DM provides a representative wind picture that the turbine sees, in contrast to more basic systems that provide only a pillar-box view on the approaching wind. Measurements are then typically used for the correction of yaw misalignment, turbine calibrations, End of Warranty inspections, power curve measurements (absolute and relative), R&D projects and full turbine control. www.zephirlidar.com
270 MW Lincs Offshore Wind Farm gets boost with ZephIR Lidar
By [email protected] - 22nd May 2015 - 13:06