“This major upgrade of 3D Mapping Cloud brings great new capabilities to the geospatial business.” says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “It now allows customers to register on a plan for multipe users at once, and reserve storage space at challenging prices. Co-workers can get invited easily to join the online platform and commonly share all corporate resources with a simple click. On the technical side, significant performance improvements have been implemented to access huge volumes of point clouds and imagery even faster. We’ve also added a ton of new measurement tools.”
The 3D Mapping Cloud is a self-managed solution to exploit vast volumes of 3D Mapping data, typically collected as LiDAR or Image data. This product brings the ease of sharing, re-use, fusion or sources and integration of petabytes of data accessible for everyone in the business, from high-end engineering point cloud streaming to publishing up-to-date imagery for the public at large.
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