Technology company, Yotta has won a major contract working with North Somerset Council through their IT and Business Services provider, Agilisys. Under the contract’s terms, Yotta is providing North Somerset Council with its flagship connected asset management software platform, Alloy to enhance street lighting services delivery for the council.
Following the signing of the multi-year contract, Yotta, working in conjunction with Agilisys, will begin transitioning North Somerset’s street lighting function over from its existing Mayrise asset management system, also supplied by Yotta, to Alloy. The migration to Alloy is planned to coincide with a phased LED replacement programme which will take place across North Somerset Council’s street lighting estate.
Using Alloy for street lighting will enable the council to gather data from its network using sensors; view, accurate real-time information about their street lights as well as keeping continuously up-to-date with related maintenance tasks. It also enables it to streamline and drive efficiencies across engineering and maintenance processes.
“We were impressed by the future-proofing of Alloy,” said Mark Cogan, principal traffic signals engineer at North Somerset Council, “and also how easy it was to integrate the software with our other back-end systems including, moving forwards, our finance system. Alloy is intuitive and easy-to-use and we see the potential to get significant operational benefits from it in the future, especially as our connected infrastructure expands.”
Alongside the implementation, Yotta is also providing consultancy and professional services to ensure that the software meets North Somerset Council’s requirement both today and in the future.
Once the Alloy system is live, the new Yotta implementation will help drive productivity and efficiencies at the council because of its rich functionality and ease of use.
Through Alloy seamlessly linking with North Somerset Council’s CRM system coupled with the systems powerful workflows designed to minimise manual intervention North Somerset residents will find their customer experience is improved as the end to end enquiry process is streamlined and with data being constantly passed between the systems they can get status updates on their enquiries on demand which will reduce incoming calls coming into North Somerset Council.
The council is also looking at the possibility of using Alloy across a wider range of assets which Alloy is setup ideally to achieve including gullies in the near future.
Mark Derrett, customer relationship manager at Yotta said: “North Somerset Council is a forward-looking local authority with a strong focus on digitalisation and modernisation of services. Opting for Alloy gives the council the opportunity to enhance its street lighting capability, drive efficiencies across its operations and improve engagement with residents, whilst providing the foundation to transform other service areas in the future.”
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