Hexagon's Geosystems division announced that the Hexagon Content Program will update aerial data of 14 U.S. states for the 2024 collection season.
The refresh will encompass approximately 1,213,826 square miles (3,143,794 square kilometers) of high-resolution aerial data, including four-band orthoimagery, 3D point clouds and stereo imagery.
The acquisition includes statewide aerial data of Texas, California, Utah, Oregon, New Mexico, North Carolina, Nevada, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Indiana. Hexagon will also complete the statewide collections for Idaho, Maine and Montana.
The orthoimagery will be available for pixel download on Hexagon Digital Reality (HxDR), Hexagon's cloud-based storage, visualization and collaboration platform for geospatial data at any scale. The orthoimagery will also be accessible through a streaming subscription using standard mapping APIs.
Additionally, the 3D point clouds will be offered on the HxDR platform for streaming and downloading. The stereo imagery will be available through a custom order.
"Access to high-quality, reliable aerial data is transformative for communities, enabling well-informed decisions and fostering innovation," said John Welter, President, Geospatial Content Solutions, at Hexagon’s Geosystems division. "By refreshing high-resolution aerial data for 14 U.S. states, Hexagon is empowering local governments, businesses and organizations with the insights needed to enhance public services, drive economic growth and help improve the overall quality of life."
Hexagon's contiguous coverage of the U.S. helps to enhance decision-making processes across various sectors. High-resolution aerial data has numerous applications, supporting urban planning, disaster response, environmental monitoring, asset management, and more.
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