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Fototerra’s purchase of new Optech Galaxy PRIME will enable pristine, high-resolution mapping of forests and urban centres in Latin and South America

By Eric Van Rees - 5th September 2022 - 05:45

Teledyne Geospatial announced the sale of its Optech Galaxy PRIME to Fototerra, an aerospace and service company that specializes in airborne remote sensing services, geographic data acquisition, high-resolution photogrammetry, hyperspectral data acquisition, and GIS applications in North and South America.

Fototerra’s new Galaxy PRIME will be deployed across multiple applications, including forest inventory, agriculture, urban mapping, and surveying carbon mapping of archeological sites in the Amazon region.

Teledyne’s Galaxy PRIME packs more power and accuracy into a tiny footprint than any other sensor. Its patented PulseTRAK and SwathTRAK technologies make surveying simpler than ever with feature sets that maximize productivity, increase information content, and reduce overhead costs. Unique to the industry, SwathTRAK delivers improved efficiencies and cost-savings with an estimated 40% reduction in flight lines, especially in mountainous or hilly terrains. Fototerra’s plans include high-resolution mapping in urban city cores, for forest and environmental monitoring in the Amazon.

Read More: Aerial Imaging: High-Resolution Geospatial Data for Mapping, Analysis, and Decision-Making Laser Scanning Archaeology & Heritage

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