GeoConnexion was invited at the end of last year to chair the third Smart Utility Summit alongside twenty industry leading speakers. GIS is an ideal platform for the utility industry to move into Smart Solutions, which explained our presence at these events says editor, Maria Pellegrini.
Under the leadership of IQPC the goal of the Smart Utility Series is to provide a forum for an interactive discussion and knowledge sharing with experts from across the European utility sector. To that end, the third event organised in London last December, included an impressive array of experts. Smart meters and technologies are becoming bigger news. In fact the Financial Times had an important article in December 2009 on the £8bn smart meter project which has just begun in the UK about which we will hear a lot more. Fourteen countries (EMEA and US) were present at the two day conference in London, with a total of over one hundred attendees (two thirds from the utility sector and one third from technology providers). (...)See EDITOR\'s CHOICE to download the FULL REPORT
Author: Maria Pellegrini
Bio.: Editor, GeoConnexion UK
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