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Stay well-informed on the stories that matter

Iceberg thumbnail

New AI system can map giant icebergs from satellite images 10,000 times faster than humans

9th November 2023

New AI system can map giant icebergs from satellite images 10,000 times faster than humans
Roman thumbnail

Spy satellites reveal hundreds of undiscovered Roman forts

30th October 2023

Spy satellites reveal hundreds of undiscovered Roman forts
NGD thumbnail

Ordnance Survey launches significant buildings and transport enhancements

19th October 2023

Ordnance Survey launches significant buildings and transport enhancements
Cornfield thumbnail

Geospatial technology can help corn producers assess potential wind damage in fields

18th October 2023

Geospatial technology can help corn producers assess potential wind damage in fields
Rad map thumbnail

Making rad maps with robot dogs

12th October 2023

Making rad maps with robot dogs
Methane thumbnail

Trio of Sentinel satellites map methane super-emitters

11th October 2023

Trio of Sentinel satellites map methane super-emitters
Sahura thiumbnail

Portable LiDAR scanner helps reveal undiscovered rooms in Sahura’s Pyramid

9th October 2023

Portable LiDAR scanner helps reveal undiscovered rooms in Sahura’s Pyramid
Morocco thumbnail

Sentinel-1 reveals shifts from Morocco earthquake

17th September 2023

Sentinel-1 reveals shifts from Morocco earthquake
Kinkempois thumbnail

All Aboard! Keeping Belgium moving with Topcon technology

17th September 2023

All Aboard! Keeping Belgium moving with Topcon technology
TROPOMI thumbnail

Turning back the Red Tide

8th September 2023

Turning back the Red Tide
W Band thumbnail

W-Band Radar for Dynamic Positioning in the offshore renewable energy market

6th September 2023

W-Band Radar for Dynamic Positioning in the offshore renewable energy market
HADAR thumbnail

Thermal imaging innovation allows AI to see through pitch darkness like broad daylight

10th August 2023

Thermal imaging innovation allows AI to see through pitch darkness like broad daylight
Roman thumbnail

Roman road network spanning the south west UK identified in new research

8th August 2023

Roman road network spanning the south west UK identified in new research
ML in outer space thumbnail

Researchers successfully train a machine learning model in outer space

30th July 2023

Researchers successfully train a machine learning model in outer space

Satnav from Earth to the Moon

27th July 2023

Satnav from Earth to the Moon
Gigabit thumbnail

Mapping the way to full fibre for all

21st July 2023

Mapping the way to full fibre for all

Two into one goes nicely!

6th June 2023

Two into one goes nicely!
Bayi Glacier Peoples Daily thumbnail

China monitors mountain glacier health with remote sensing

4th June 2023

China monitors mountain glacier health with remote sensing
Frontiers thumbnail

UK leads Europe in race for space investment, new report finds

21st May 2023

UK leads Europe in race for space investment, new report finds
NOS T thumbnail

When it comes to satellite data, sometimes more is more

18th May 2023

When it comes to satellite data, sometimes more is more
Scanning thumbnail

Just how far does scanning technology get you?

18th May 2023

Just how far does scanning technology get you?
Correction thumbnail

Getting the most out of GNSS correction services with an agnostic receiver

12th May 2023

Getting the most out of GNSS correction services with an agnostic receiver
GPS Algorithm thumbnail

New algorithm makes satellite signals act like GPS

7th May 2023

New algorithm makes satellite signals act like GPS
SPOD thumbnail

Researchers detect and classify multiple objects without images

4th May 2023

Researchers detect and classify multiple objects without images