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Juniper Systems

Based out of Logan, UT, USA, and Birmingham, UK, Juniper Systems is a world leader in the design and manufacture of ultra-rugged handheld computers and provides field data collection solutions for use in extreme environments. Since 1993, professionals have utilised Juniper Systems’ innovative mobile technology in the geomatics, industrial, natural resources, utilities and public services, and military markets.



+44 (0) 1527 870773


4 The Courtyard, Buntsford Gate, Bromsgrove B60 3DJ UK




Top five specialisms

Data Capture

Geo Analytics


Surveying Instrumentation

Top five sectors


Forestry Management




Juniper Systems Limited Welcomes Andy Cray

17th November 2016

Juniper Systems Limited Welcomes Andy Cray

Juniper Systems Limited to Exhibit Four New Products at InterGeo 2016

7th October 2016

Juniper Systems Limited to Exhibit Four New Products at InterGeo 2016
Nonincendive Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet™ Certified for Hazardous Locations (from import)

Nonincendive Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet™ Certified for Hazardous Locations

25th June 2016

Nonincendive Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet™ Certified for Hazardous Locations
New Industrial Supervision & Control Solution (from import)

New Industrial Supervision & Control Solution

15th June 2016

New Industrial Supervision & Control Solution
Meet the Geode™—A Rugged Sub-Meter GNSS Receiver (from import)

Meet the Geode™—A Rugged Sub-Meter GNSS Receiver

10th June 2016

Meet the Geode™—A Rugged Sub-Meter GNSS Receiver
Juniper Systems Announces New Windows 10 Rugged Tablet: Mesa 2™ (from import)

Juniper Systems Announces New Windows 10 Rugged Tablet: Mesa 2™

27th May 2016

Juniper Systems Announces New Windows 10 Rugged Tablet: Mesa 2™
Mesa 2™ Rugged Tablet Helps Law Enforcement Professionals (from import)

Mesa 2™ Rugged Tablet Helps Law Enforcement Professionals

22nd April 2016

Mesa 2™ Rugged Tablet Helps Law Enforcement Professionals
Mesa 2 Rugged Windows Tablet is Now Shipping (from import)

Mesa 2 Rugged Windows Tablet is Now Shipping

20th April 2016

Mesa 2 Rugged Windows Tablet is Now Shipping
The Most Rugged Windows Tablet in the World is Now Shipping (from import)

The Most Rugged Windows Tablet in the World is Now Shipping

8th April 2016

The Most Rugged Windows Tablet in the World is Now Shipping
Juniper Mesa Rugged Tablet Torture Test 800X400

Mesa Rugged Tablet Torture Test Juniper Systems Limited

14th May 2020

Mesa Rugged Tablet Torture Test Juniper Systems Limited